It was April 2009 and I was 23 years old.
I hadn’t been in school since sixth grade and was walking away from the only world I’d ever known: professional tennis.
I had spent nearly a decade following my passion but also not knowing how much money I’d make any given week. This led to difficult situations that I didn’t want to repeat.
I had also grown up in an abusive household, where my mother relied on a single source to meet her economic needs. My father had stringently used financial resources to maintain his control over my mother – and me.
I knew the dangers of not having an independent source of income.
This new life that I was starting was accompanied by a meager bank account and severe anxiety about being able to support myself.
After leaving my sport, I spent the next four and a half years getting a bachelor’s degree in business, while I worked multiple jobs to start the next chapter of my life debt-free.
Upon graduating, I earned a position in a management training program at a Fortune 500 company and was accepted Villanova University’s MBA program.
I was ecstatic and so relieved to finally feel like my financial future was stable and reliable.
For a while, my financial situation and my life seemed ideal – I was no longer working all kinds of jobs and hours to pay my bills.
Paychecks were regular and consistent, and it was enough to feel comfortable.
But that “comfort” came with the price.
I was confronted with another barrier to my independence: the sacrifices required of a demanding job where work comes before anything else and my value was based on another’s perception.
I felt like I was yet again confined by a single source for my financial well-being and dependent, again, on a situation I couldn’t control.
That was when my journey to financial independence began.
I started looking at different resources in order to optimize my financial standing.
Then, I found real estate investing.
I loved that a scalable business model could be built around an investment method.
I loved that every house had its own story.
I loved that it was up to me to understand the story behind each property and how that story could fit into a business model.
Two years after I made the decision to invest in real estate, I made my first purchase.
Since then, my portfolio has creatively grown through a wide variety of financing and investing strategies, from long distance investing to house hacking to even wholesaling a mobile home park!
What does your financial freedom look like? What story are you aiming to craft?
Let’s talk about what your life would entail if you possessed the resources to write your own.
Financial freedom is your path to a happy ending.